I'm so excited to be able to share this feature with you all - before you start, please take a look at our House Rules below:
- Please ensure your items are appropriate for our market; which is predominantly goth/metal/punk etc - anything that doesn't fall into the 'alternative' category will be removed.
- Multiple items can be listed per post, but only 1 post per week per member is allowed.
- If you just want to edit/update your post with additional items you may do so, but again - only once per week. Please rename your post by adding 'UPDATED (+date)' so people know to look at your post again, and if possible add your new items to the top of your post.
- Posts must include actual images (not just catalogue/original website photos) and prices of your items.
- If you're only selling one item, please delete your post when it's sold. On posts with multiple items, please update/edit your posts each time an item is sold - then delete when you've sold everything!
- If an item is on hold for someone, please make that clear on the listing. In order to avoid any drama, I'd strongly recommend a 'first dibs' system, and state how long you're prepare to hold an item for. ;)
- External links are not allowed on seller posts. If you have a business website you'd like to share, then please use the 'TRADER LINKS' category to post these.
- We strongly advise people to only use Paypal / cash in person, to help avoid scamming. Anyone asking for bank transfers will have their post deleted.
- Anyone found to be scamming buyers WILL be removed without warning.
- Spam WILL be deleted with no warning, and the poster will be removed.
Is there any guidance on people who keep wanting to haggle/trade instead of buy/ask for things to be held and then back out as I've had such terrible experiences in the past I am loathe to even attempt to sell anything on here because the fatigue/mental energy of dealing with this is too much for me to deal with or should we just make clear in individual posts if we are only interested in "buy it now" and fixed price sales? Also, any rule on anyone replying with "hun" to everyone being blocked? I mean, can we block individuals if they refer to me as Attila? Ta! <3
Can I only list clothing and similar accessories, or are BDSM toys and equipment also allowed?
Sounds good to me, though I have 2 suggestions: 1) The sub-rule "Please edit your posts when an item is sold." is actually super important and should be listed as a separate rule
2) It would surely be better if (rather than being "edited" when something is sold, which everyone will interpret & implement differently) each post was actually deleted (it serves no further purpose so it's just noise) hence the rule should be something like "Please delete your post when the item is sold, and for posts featuring multiple items please update accordingly as items are sold until they're all gone, then delete."